Friday, October 30, 2009
1/2 of the "Bark" , Chili, is not well today so we are off to the vets in just a few minutes. My poor little princess is in pain. She yelped when standing up this am. I have a feeling she has some sort of blockage internally. She hasn't missed any meals, but then she never does. Cross your fingers for her; I hope its nothing serious.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
What a busy week it has been! Dh had gall bladder surgery last Friday. It was day surgery and all went well other than his blood pressure dropping too low as a result of meds he was given b/c his blood pressure was a bit high. So we were at the hospital in recovery for a lot longer than expected.
My house is falling down around me so I guess I will have to stop scrapping and do some house work! My parents are coming for dinner tonight so that is my incentive.
Fun news to share, I am working with my dear friend Ali on her blog, and I will be the November guest designer. Be sure and check it out to see some great scrapbooking!
I worked on this yesterday, this is one of our very pretty grand-daughters!
But, every now and then, her alter ego, Marilyn, comes out and delights us with her antics. She becomes a very exuberant smiling dog and starts tossing her head around like a starlet and craning her neck this way and that as if to be sure that we see her best profile. She prances about, twisting her cute little poodle butt and wagging her tail to a beat that only she hears. This is, for sure, a canine Marilyn Monroe, charming all that see her with her prissiness!
My house is falling down around me so I guess I will have to stop scrapping and do some house work! My parents are coming for dinner tonight so that is my incentive.
Fun news to share, I am working with my dear friend Ali on her blog, and I will be the November guest designer. Be sure and check it out to see some great scrapbooking!
I worked on this yesterday, this is one of our very pretty grand-daughters!
Here's Chili, one of the "Bark" of this blog. I had great hopes for this LO but it just didn't pan out. Chili is such a prissy poodle and I want to capture that in a photo but haven't been successful. BIL Jim took this photo and I think its a good one though.
Miss Marilyn Aka Chili
Sometimes I think that Chili has a split personality because she is usually a very stoic creature who doesn’t show much excitement (except when food is involved) or emotion. She really has the characteristics one observes more in a feline than a canine.But, every now and then, her alter ego, Marilyn, comes out and delights us with her antics. She becomes a very exuberant smiling dog and starts tossing her head around like a starlet and craning her neck this way and that as if to be sure that we see her best profile. She prances about, twisting her cute little poodle butt and wagging her tail to a beat that only she hears. This is, for sure, a canine Marilyn Monroe, charming all that see her with her prissiness!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Prince Edward Island
Happy Tuesday! I've already been to the dentist this morning, how fun is that??
So in the travel department, I wanted to share these LO's with you. The pictures weres taken on Prince Edward Island in Canada this summer. It rained most of the time we were there; be sure to read the journal for the "rest of the story!"
I really like the picture of Dick, it's a really simple LO but I think the LO evokes the spirit of the photo.
So in the travel department, I wanted to share these LO's with you. The pictures weres taken on Prince Edward Island in Canada this summer. It rained most of the time we were there; be sure to read the journal for the "rest of the story!"
I really like the picture of Dick, it's a really simple LO but I think the LO evokes the spirit of the photo.
Prince Edward Island was not our favorite place. We would have enjoyed it more if the weather had not been so bad – and then there was that speeding ticket…
Since it was raining most of the time we were there, we did a lot of driving around. We drove to Cedar Dunes Provincial Park, which was a beautiful area with a small lighthouse and red sand beach. We also visited Charlottetown and a Gouda cheese factory.We were being very careful watching the speed limits and obeying the traffic signals. We were driving along a stretch of highway when we came upon a construction zone so Dick immediately slowed down. About that same time, a cop appears in the road and motions us over. We had no idea why and were astounded to know that we had been clocked going 91 in a 60 km construction zone. We both think we were clocked before hitting the construction zone, but what can you do? It would be kind of hard to show up in traffic court to protest the ticket in August on PEI! I think it cost us around $125. After getting the ticket, we went directly to the Canadian post office, bought a money order, and mailed it. I can’t help but think we were an easy target with a US license plate.
Monday, October 19, 2009
It's Monday!
And it sure started off like Mondays often do. When dh was leaving for work this morning somewhere around 4:15 am, he set the alarm off. So then we get a call from the alarm company, hurray it's Monday! I sort of went back to sleep and was semi-conscious when dh called to tell me that he had forgotten his dinners that I had so lovingly prepared for him! Now, I know that it is Monday!
It was cold here in NC last night, brrr-rr, had to turn on the heat and bring in a couple favorite plants that I'm not ready to give to winter. We didn't have any frost but there was a chance. At least the sun is shining today. Haven't seen that for almost a week.
So after taking care of a few important things like work, I decided to scrap away my day and created this LO for a Monday challenge at Sisterhood of Scrap. I love working with black and white on my LOs so this was fun and easy. Seems like 1978 was just the day before yesterday, where does time go? I have noticed that the older I get, the shorter the years get. Why is that??? I want my time back!
Anyway, the journal says:
It was cold here in NC last night, brrr-rr, had to turn on the heat and bring in a couple favorite plants that I'm not ready to give to winter. We didn't have any frost but there was a chance. At least the sun is shining today. Haven't seen that for almost a week.
So after taking care of a few important things like work, I decided to scrap away my day and created this LO for a Monday challenge at Sisterhood of Scrap. I love working with black and white on my LOs so this was fun and easy. Seems like 1978 was just the day before yesterday, where does time go? I have noticed that the older I get, the shorter the years get. Why is that??? I want my time back!
Anyway, the journal says:
Yikes, 1978 was a long time ago! This picture was taken in Key West, Florida on a beautiful winter day. I was single at the time and having a blast. I had recently quit my job at Rose’s in NC as a merchandise manager and had come to Florida to visit with my college roommate, Debbie, and to heal from what were the worst 2½ years of my life.
Retail was not for me and I wasn’t all that interested in having that kind of a grown up job!
So, after 6 weeks of soaking up the sun and generally doing nothing, I went to work at Boyd’s Bait & Tackle in Fort Lauderdale. Boyd’s was the premier shop of its type in the area and was very prominent in the big money fishing. I loved being a part of all the fishing tournaments and boat shows.
I went from store clerk to store bookkeeper when the bookkeeper didn’t show up one payday morning. Using skills I had acquired in a college (Western Carolina) quarter’s worth of accounting courses, I got the payroll done that day and became the store bookkeeper. Eventually that led to my becoming a CPA. Now that’s another story!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hello Cyberworld
I suppose one can make the connection between scrapbooking and travel. Afterall, if one travels a lot, there usually are pictures begging to be scrapped. But you are probably wondering what "Bark" has to do with it all. Currently I am owned by two standard poodles and my dh and I travel quite a bit in our motorhome that we frequently refer to as "The Doghouse." So, I scrap, I travel, the dogs bark. In 3 words, I have described to you much about my personality and who I am!
Enough of that, I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog, but I thought it would be fun to share the musings of my aging mind as well as some of my travel layouts. Here are a couple pages I recently completed. The pictures are of Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia which is a really neat little town on the Atlantic coast. The lighthouse is situated on a huge, and I do mean huge, outcropping of rock. It is really something to see.
Enough of that, I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog, but I thought it would be fun to share the musings of my aging mind as well as some of my travel layouts. Here are a couple pages I recently completed. The pictures are of Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia which is a really neat little town on the Atlantic coast. The lighthouse is situated on a huge, and I do mean huge, outcropping of rock. It is really something to see.

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