If you have hopped here from Mish's blog, Full Moon Scrapping,, then you are on the right track! If not, hop back to Alda's blog, Flying Unicorn, for the blog hop beginning.
Every year, during November, the Flying Unicorn sponsors "Flying Unicorn Gives Back." This year we've chosen a nationally recognized charity, Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah. For each project that is uploaded to our forum gallery,
Flying Unicorn donates $1.00 to a maximum of $1,000 and we're happy to say that we've always reached our 1,000 uploads goal. With your help, this
year,we will again reach our goal! Flying Unicorn also donates 5% of all sales during the
month of November to the charity. Finally, do not forget to mark your calendars
for our Silent Auction November 8th - November 16th
We have also set up the Flying Unicorn page on the Best
Friends site where monetary donations can be made as well to help us reach this
years goal of $3000.00 in charitable donations.
Best Friends' mission is No More Homeless Pets and through that they try to place animals who are considered "unadoptable" into good homes. They work to reduce the number of unwanted pets through effective spay and neuter programs. Since it inception, the number of dogs and cats destroyed in shelters annually, has fallen to approximately 5 million a year. There has been much progress, but there is still much more to do.
Best Friends is very near and dear to my heart because of all the good works they have done to further the welfare of animals in our society. They made national headlines with their intensive efforts in rescuing so many animals in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. In honor of
Best Friends, and the November Kit of the Month -Heart's Twilight - I would like to
share with you a special layout that I did with the Flying Unicorn November Kit of the month.
Many of you know that I have always shared my home with my furbabies who at the moment are standard poodles. I've had big dogs, little dogs, and in between sized dogs. They are all my "children" and I love them dearly. Recently I lost my dear Chena to gastric torsion. Many of you probably know Chena from her escapades with Escape Kitty. Kitty's Mom and I have had a wonderful time writing the adventures of those two!
Chena's passing was so unexpected, she was so vibrant one moment and then gone. It was heartbreaking as it always is when you lose a member of your family. It's been almost two months now and slowly we are adjusting to her absence. We have a new puppy, Tisha, that has really helped us and our sweet Nika who is our 3 year old poodle. Chena was Nika's "Mom" and she looked to Chena for everything; consequently, she was lost without Chena and really didn't know what to do with herself.
I want to share with you a little story about Chena. She was always a great source of daily amusement and this is one of my favorites! Here's the journaling:
Chena was a very smart girl and constantly amused me with
her antics. One day she was determined
to spend her day napping on the couch.
Now she knew that the furniture off limits, but, despite my
admonishments, she kept curling up on the couch. Finally I threw the big dog bed on the
couch., thinking that it's large size would prevent her from comfortably settling
Well the joke was certainly on me! Next time I passed through the living room,
there she was, very comfortably perched on the couch, in her bed, with a big
smirk on her face that seemed to say "I am not really on the couch, I am
in my bed, like a good doggie"! I
laughed so hard and ran for the camera, this was certainly a "Kodak moment"!
Tammy, another of Flying Unicorn's designers, recently lost her sweet furbaby, Macy. We are teaming together to help raise money for Best Friends and so we decided that we would donate $5 (maximum of $250) for every project featuring an animal uploaded to our special Best Friends forum thread during November. Please come post something in our thread!
Twilight is now available with an amazing
and fun off the page creation- take a
Do not forget
to join Alda and Shona this month with their process of making the below
layouts. Alda will show you step by step on our You Tube
Channel, while Shona has done a complete Build a
Page for you all!

WAIT! Before you hop on over to Jen's blog, Scrap Escape, check this out!
Want to win a Cameo-Silhouette?
Every $5.00
donated to Best Friends via our donation page will give you a chance to
details can be found on our forums.
So hop on over
to Jen's blog, Scrap Escape, for some additional eye candy fun and thank you for
your support in giving back !
In order to have a chance to win the Flying Unicorn Gift Certificate:
1. You must be a follower of everyone's blog.
2. You must leave a comment in the Flying Unicorn Gives Back blog hop thread telling us about your hop experience.
3. Winner will be chosen via Random.org at 6 PM on November 3, 2013