

Monday, May 23, 2016

Petaloo and Simple Stories Blog Hop

Today, I'm sharing some Petaloo and Simple Stories goodness.  I always know that summer is on its way when the hummingbirds come back.  During the summer we have hummingbirds every where!  I put out 4 feeders and spend a fortune on sugar keeping these beautiful little jewels fed! (You don't need to buy hummingbird nectar, just mix 1/4 cup sugar to each cup of water, heat until the sugar dissolves and you've got hummingbird nectar. Oh and another thing that is really, really important, keep your hummingbird feeders spotless.  The black mold that can grow on the feeders kills these sweet little birds.  It causes their tongues to swell so that they can not feed and they starve to death.)

OK back to flowers and paper!  Aren't these just the prettiest colors?  Kind of reminds me of sherbert, mmmm, yum.   Petaloo's new Gerber Daisies go so beautifully with this Simple Stories collection, Sunshine & Happiness.

I accented the center paper strip with pink Petaloo burlap trim. I cut a 12" strip in half since I just have the burlap peeking out the edges. I think it adds a nice touch to my layout.

I love these new blooms, they are so delicate looking and they blend so well with Simple Stories papers.

 Check out the velvet teal blossoms.  They are so pretty and they are a great value with 24 pieces in a pack including leaves and jute cord.  They have long stems which I twisted together with some of the leaves creating a small vine.  Then, I just tucked in some gerber daisies.

 I couldn't resist adding this cute little chipboard bird from the collection.  He's such a cute little accent.


Simple Stories Sunshine & Happiness Collection:

I really like to make layouts telling a story about our life.  Simple Stories Bloom & Grow collection was perfect for telling a garden story.  You can see that we had a really beautiful garden growing; then the rains began.  It rained and rained and then, you know what, it rained some more.     As soon as the water subsided, we dug up all the potatos. but it was too late, we lost the better part of 100 lbs of potatoes.

At least I have some beautiful Petaloo blooms to brighten up my poor drowned garden photo! I am loving the new gerber daisies.  They are appropriate since I have berry bushes at the back of my garden.

I tucked in some Darjeeling blooms too.  They have always been a favorite of mine.

Take a look at the Flowering Berry Pick.  Those blooms look just like the ones on my blackberry bushes!   I love how the berry picks add that extra texture to my floral clusters.



Simple Stories Bloom & Grow Collection:

Thanks for visiting today.  

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