

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Altered Box with Fabscraps Jungle Mist Collection

I am kind of a box freak.  I have a big closet upstairs full of empty boxes, big boxes, little boxes, in-between boxes, all kinds of boxes!!!  I love altering boxes and here's a really great box that I altered from Fabscraps that I think will be great for gifting a jewelry set.

The box folds open to reveal three little shelves.  I can just imagine a necklace, bracelet, and earrings tucked onto those little shelves.

I used Graphic 45 Ornate Label Holders on either side of the opening as pulls.

For This Project You Will Need:
Fabscraps Jungle Mist Collection C78:
001 Jungle Birds
002 Jungle Patterns
Fabscraps EC2 03 Off The Page Box with Triangle Opening & Shelve

Lace or trim
White paint or gesso
Ornate metal label holders


  1. Paint all the edges and seams of the box with white paint or gesso so that there will be a pretty white edge showing next to your paper.  Paint the inside of the box as well.
  2. For the outside of the box, use 001, the floral print side.   Cut paper to fit each side approximately 8 x 4 5/8".  You should measure as I find that paper mache boxes vary a little bit in their size.   Glue to the sides of the box, wrapping from the center box seam to the edge.  You will do this for each side of the box leaving the center seam where the two sides are joined free of paper.
  3. Cut two squares approximately 4", from 002 Jungle Patterns  for the top and bottom of the box and then divide into triangles to fit the top and bottom parts of the box.  Be sure to measure.  Adhere the triangle pieces to the box.
  4. Measure the interior box shelves and cut and glue paper to fit each compartment on the outside from 001 Jungle Birds using the same pattern as outside the box.
  5. Cut paper from 001 Jungle Birds using the bird print side  to fit the bottoms and sides of the interior box shelves.
  6. Adhere lace or trim around the outside of the box where the closure band is.
  7. Embellish the top with flowers and ribbon.
  8. I cut the snap from the closure band and added ornate metal label holders on either side of where the box opens to open and close the box.  Since they were antique brass, I used a little white rub 'n buff to color them.
Hope it's a wonderful day for you!  We had our first frost last night, I guess ole man winter is on his way.


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